Suisse : La descente du Rhône

Switzerland: Descent of the Rhone

July 2019, I am about to take off for an adventure in Croatia when my expedition partner tells me that he has broken his arm. Quick, a plan B, which will quickly turn into an incredible plan A following a call to a Swiss friend. “The sources of the Rhône to Lake Geneva, on an adventure, I’m sure there’s something to do,” he told me. Well let's see that!

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Gîte d'étape à ALZON

Gîte Le Colombier 🔗
Chemin de la Laiterie
30770 Alzon

Sur l'étape 29, Vissec - La Couvertoirade, Angélique et Matthieu mettent à disposition de leurs vacanciers un garage pour leurs vélos avec un petit nécessaire de réparation si besoin (rustines, pompe à vélo, ect. ...).

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