Support GPS avec sonnette discrète

GPS support with discreet bell

French traffic regulations require the purchase of a bicycle to be equipped with a bell in cities as well as on the roads or in the paths. Unlike the lighting, we are not verbalizable in case of absence. Before highlighting the mandatory aspect of the presence of a doorbell, it is its ugly side as possible that leads us not to install one on our hangers.
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Gîte d'étape à ALZON

Gîte Le Colombier 🔗
Chemin de la Laiterie
30770 Alzon

Sur l'étape 29, Vissec - La Couvertoirade, Angélique et Matthieu mettent à disposition de leurs vacanciers un garage pour leurs vélos avec un petit nécessaire de réparation si besoin (rustines, pompe à vélo, ect. ...).

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